Democrats Write Checks to Republicans….by Appearing on Fox

The Democrats must stay clear from Fox News; this is a political game waged on the American People. A game that’s too costly and so much is a stake. When Democrats appear on the Fox News Channel their contributing financially to the Republican Party who have a disdain for the American Worker, and they obey their corporate masters by providing them with cheat labor; outsourcing American jobs, tax breaks to the rich and power so they can invest in transnational corporations. The Republican Party is about corporate profits and power fueled by the Fox News Channel. Rupert Murdock and News Corp. is unfair and unbalanced distortions of the truth; it’s a Right Wing Propaganda Machine tilted and slanted on reporting of current issues; at times completely insane by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’ Reilly, and the Whack Jobs employed at Fox and Friends.
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Memo to America’s Middle Class: Obama Is Just Not That Into You

Obama has been a huge disappointment to the Progressives as well as myself because we supported him for President of the United States. We were expecting a change in the culture in Washington, but what we got was completely different it was pretty much the same as usual. We expected him to govern as a Progressive, but instead he governed as a middle of the road Conservative reaching out to the Republican Party and Fox Group Political Agenda. He catered to Corporations and their bailouts, but workers, the disabled, the seniors, the poor he has slashed their government benefits putting us into a depression; this is not a recess like Washington Economist claim they hide the truth from the people because it’s too painful to tell the truth. The White House doesn’t have the spine to tell the truth; they’re defending their financial interest, and legacy. To create jobs will hurt corporate profits; they’re obeying their corporate masters in Washington.
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Harry Reid: Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms

The transnational corporations are job killers. We need to raise corporate profit taxes to 39%, we need to impose tariffs on imports at 35%, and we need to end corporate subsides. We need to nationalized the oil industry. Why should we allow a foreign corporation to profit from our oil? This is insanity this is our oil on our land. The oil industry should be government controlled just like a utility company. We need to break up too big to succeed the big corporations. We need to increase income taxes on the top 20% salary earners in our country starting at 50% to a maximum of 74%, and tax investment transaction on the banking industry at 1%. We all need to do our part to get our economy on the right track. If the wealth don’t want to help they’re all free to move to a third world country where there are no rules because we’re headed that way if things continue on the same path. We need to balance our economy with rules and regulation. This isn’t socialism this is a balanced economy predatory capitalism is destructive to our economy.
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Harry Reid: Republicans Want Economy To Tank So Democrats Will Be Battered In Midterms

The GOP wants to tank our economy; they only care about power and corruption at all cost. They want to regain the White House, the Congress, and the Senate. They stall any attempt to create jobs for our people by abusing the filibuster rule in the United States Senate which should be eliminated to major rules. The Republicans don’t care about the American People. They care about shock holders, and transnational corporate and their profits. They’re responsible for outsourcing American jobs to foreign lands, they’ve crippled the middle class, they’ve crippled the poor, they’ve crippled the seniors, they’ve crippled the disabled, and they don’t have any respect for our military personal because they’re a political threat. The Republicans want to paralyze the American People to strip them of their political power and especially people of color. The states and local government are nearly bankrupted because 35,000,000 are unemployed and this has eroded our federal government’s tax base creating a huge deficit eleven trillion.
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Tea Party Anger Making Movement A Prime Target For Corporate America

How Grassroots is this? LOL The Tea Party is the GOP by another name; these people are big corporate shields representing the Republican Party. It’s Dick Armey and Freedom Works promoting the Republican Extreme Political Agenda. They want to privatize Social Security and Medicare to hurt seniors and the disabled. They want to enslave the poor they want to hand over these programs to the Big Banks so they can gamble these funds away casino style. How disgusting, how nasty, and inhuman these people are sociopaths.
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Jacob Leicht, 1,000th Serviceman Killed In Afghanistan, Born On Independence Day

This is an Outrage and Obama knows this. So where’s his logic? He has surrounded himself with these War Lords who are hungry for power. They want to Conquer The World As Rome Once Did. They want to destroy the middle class because they stand in the way of their Riches. They have a disdain for the middle class because they’re just taking up space and there’s no room for them because they’re unproductive human beings. They’re just a bunch of cattle waiting to get feed. So they must be eradicated to control population growth. While millionaires and billionaires gain fortunes at the expense of the masses.
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